
Cases II

First coat of "Wolf". Cases are a darker grey to compliment the lower portion of the wall colour, and several taller pieces will mimic the black stripe to provide continuity. Make sure you give yourself enough space to work! Cut into corners with a brush, then roll on an even coat, making sure to avoid drips.

Cases were primed with 2 coats of high-quality 100% acrylic all-purpose primer from Pratt & Lambert to ensure even coverage (most cases started out as dark blue or red in colour)

Once the acrylic tops were removed and components broken down, cases were cleaned and scrubbed of any residual adhesives, labels etc.

Essential Tools: OLFA blades (for removing old adhesive labels, especially when cross-linking has occured).

Cases were first disassembled; not always an easy task, but that's the price paid for security.

Essential tools: multi-bit screw driver, metric and/or standard allen keys, OLFA knife and patience.